Art by Baez Art by Baez

In this painting, you see a beautiful young woman full of confidence. Her stance shows that “she can take on the world”, her skin glows, and her glasses reflect her present circumstances. Her hair is wild and free like her soul yearns to be. But as you look into her eyes you can see something that we all experience, which is uncertainty.

As people, we all have times when we feel we can conquer the world around us, and other days we feel that the world is conquering us). This painting shed light on our shared experiences. In this painting, she confronts her current environment and empowers us to embody this courage to stay resilient in the presence of uncertainty. We all possess this power. We can choose to be what we were designed to be and live for that purpose. This painting is a visual reminder that not only are you not alone on this journey, but as her sunglasses subtly demonstrate, we need to focus on our present. Your uncertainties are linked to your past. We are not our past, and our future determines what we do in our present. - Brittney Baez

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